What happened to the Wednesday LIVE! Streams?

As a fan of The Media Virus Podcast, you may be wondering why we haven’t “Gone Live” for a few weeks… The truth is that these things cost a bit of money… For the past year, our Premium Version of Zoom was sponsored by Matty Rockdef because at the time he was able to take advantage of a super offer from the Zoom people. PML sponsors this website and we all provide our own equipment to conduct the show. As it stands, without some help or sponsorship, we’ve had to cut streaming out of our content offering. Great video of each taping is still recorded and available for you to enjoy at our YouTube Channel and gets linked here on TheMediaVirus.com, but you can’t watch us screw up LIVE!.

There is a way to fix that if you don’t like it!

You could be our Streaming Sponsor! That’s right, you could help to produce the show for credit and a promotional spot in every segment! Give us a call at +1 646.VIRUS.01 or drop an email to media.virus.hole@gmail.com with the subject line, Sponsorship Opportunities, and we’ll get back to you and hammer out a deal…